DAY 24
READ JOHN 1:9-14
It’s Christmas Eve! It’s the day before we celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Does your family do anything special for Christmas Eve? Do you get together with family? Do you bake cookies? Do you go to a Christmas Eve Service at your church? What traditions does your family have that you enjoy on Christmas Eve? 

A tradition is something that your family does together over and over and oftentimes happens around a certain time of the year or special event (like birthdays, New Year’s Eve, and Christmas). My whole life, I’ve been able to go to churches where we have a special Candlelight Service on Christmas Eve. Usually, we sing the song Silent Night, and people hold candles. Have you been to a candlelight service at your church? It’s really beautiful watching the lights flicker and it feels so peaceful. We often talk about how Jesus is the Light of the World in churches on Christmas Eve. Jesus was born to Mary and Joseph. They were so excited to be his parents. Think about what they thought that night in the stable as they got ready for him to be born and share with your family.

Join us as a family for Carols by candelight tonight at 8pm or sing a carol together by candle light in your own loungeroom.
Create an artwork a comic or a lego creation or something that shows us a beautiful Candle alight.
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